Oct 10, 2016

Redemption - What I Want Out of This Class

I hate being forced to take a class that I don't like or don't need. A lot of people would agree with me that it's difficult to take something away from a class if there is little there to take, it's frustrating to be in, or if, perhaps, the teaching style is difficult to work with. In fact, I transferred out of my required writing course just after 2 days of class because of a conflict in my a schedule and because of a personal conflict with the content. That being said, when I was told I had to take an elective course I decided that I wanted it to be a class that I would enjoy. Now obviously that's not a unique idea, everybody wants to enjoy their classes, but I wanted it to be a class that I would take even if I wasn't required to. This way, I feel like I'm doing what I want to do not what I'm forced to do. Since I'm studying for an information technology degree in hopes to do UWT's cyber security masters program, I figured this course would be very enjoyable for me. Although I wasn't really sure what to expect when going into the class, I was more than right about it being enjoyable. The class is mentally engaging, interesting, and about a topic I love. I was essentially hoping to get a fun, interesting, and worthwhile elective class experience out of this course and I'm quite sure that is exactly what I'm going to get.

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