Dec 14, 2016

Presentations - Cyber Security

I decided to make a blog post on the group that presented cyber security. Cyber security has been really interesting to me, and it's actually the area I'd like to work in for my future job. I decided to present on a different topic because I already know a lot about cyber security and I wanted to explore something new. Despite this, I was actually surprised to have learned a decent amount from the presentation. I think was due in part by the fact that each group member could take a different approach to the large umbrella categories that we chose. I was interested to hear that the first virus was called a worm and began on Arpanet. Then, of course, came the email viruses which launched cyber security into what it means today. As it was mentioned by the presenters, the demand for cyber security will constantly grow and grow and most likely will continue to do this throughout our lifetimes, in any foreseeable future. When one presenter brought up the idea of webcam hacking it reminded me of a time when I actually decided to explore the very thing. After poking around in areas of the web that I'm not even sure should exist, I was able to see through everything from street cameras likely there to show the weather, to classrooms of students in other countries, to seeing out of the webcam at a desk in somebody's house. Although I hate the idea of looking through random cameras around the world I think the only reason I explored them was because I was so amazed that it was so easy to do and public for anybody to see. The only other thing that stood out to me was the idea of flash drives being used as hacking tools. To me, it seemed like something you may see in a movie or maybe a kid from my middle school would bring some basic script file to run on the school computer in order to call himself a "hacker", but I hadn't really considered it to be a serious threat.

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