Nov 13, 2016

eCommerce - What wouldn't I buy?

What's interesting to me is the idea that when the web first began it was amazing to see the few items we could purchase online, whereas now it is amazing to consider the few items that we CAN'T purchase online. The total flip in that sense seems to come up in the most interesting situations. Maybe it's just me, but the idea that our thinking flips as certain aspects of life become the norm intrigues me. Either way, the only items the come to mind that I wouldn't but online are the obvious ones. I don't see myself purchasing a house or a car online in almost any circumstance. Then there are some items that I would hesitate heavily before purchasing online depending on the type, such as food and medicine. Certain foods and certain types of medicines I would hesitate to purchase online. For example, I would be fine purchasing name brand over-the-counter headache medicines or maybe even general allergy medicines, but I would not purchase strong pain medications online. When I think about it, I think the only reason I wouldn't buy the first two items I listed online is simply because I can't see them in person. If I say the car or house in person before hand then I might go through with payments online but I wouldn't find and order a car or purchase a house without ever seeing in in person. I guess I just don't like the idea of paying a ton of money for so much uncertainty.

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